Monthly Archives: November 2020

6 key feature Check before buy Shower Chair Bath Seat

Shower Chair Bath Seat

Taking a shower or taking a bath is a daily activity. You can feel relaxed when you shower properly. However, accidents often happen while bathing. This is the reason why many people feel uncomfortable and unsafe when showering in the bathroom. Older people in particular have little control over their bodies. This is why they […]

Six Most important things Check when you buying the Fingertip Pulse Oximeter

pulse oximeter

Six Most important things Check when you buying the Fingertip Pulse Oximeter Accurate and Reliable Show correct reading for SpO2 (which means oxygen saturation level in your blood)     SPO2 Value:   Normally the blood oxygen level is measure in percentage like 0% to 100% with the tolerance of +/- 2% SpO2 Resolution: +/- […]

10 important things to know about Bruxism/teeth grinding and how to stop it


10 important things to know about Bruxism/teeth grinding and how to stop it FREE STEP BY STEP GUIDE TO REVERSE THE TEETH GRINDING PROBLEM  NATURALLY What is bruxism Have you ever eaten a hard candy? It is difficult not to grind and chew on it, isn’t it? If you have a doctor or dentist in […]